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Loyola Law School Master of Laws (LLM) - Intellectual Property Specialization
Loyola Law School

Master of Laws (LLM) - Intellectual Property Specialization

Los Angeles, Ameerika Ühendriigid

1 Years

Inglise keel

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USD 58 470 / per year



Intellectual Property is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing areas of legal practice and represents roughly 20 percent of the American economy. Technology and social media are enabling the rapid distribution of content to millions of mobile phones, laptops, and tablets across the globe, with new legal questions surfacing every day. Every lawyer, from the solo practitioner to in-house counsel to transactional and litigation lawyers in large firms will increasingly be faced with IP issues. LLM graduates with an IP Specialization will be prepared for the “knowledge” economy of the 21st century.

Loyola Entertainment Alumni Network on üks suurimaid vilistlasvõrgustikke maailmas, mis keskendub spetsiaalselt meelelahutusele, meediale ja intellektuaalomandile. Loyola üliõpilaste viimase aasta jooksul korraldatud praktikavõimalused loevad meelelahutusäri "Kes on kes" ja hõlmavad selliseid ettevõtteid nagu NBC/Universal, Sony, Lionsgate, MTV Live Nation, Warner Brothers Television, HBO, Activision ja palju muud. .



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